陈亮 副教授
性       别 Office Hour
职       务 教师 时       间   周二 13:30-15:30
所属部门 工商管理系 地       点   1506
学科领域 心脑科学、脑机接口技术、正念领导力、正念
(Mind-Brain Science, Brain-Computer Interface, Mindful Leadership, Mindfulness)
电子邮箱 sanlychen@126.com
战略管理 (MBA,本科)
2012.09- 永乐高国际娱乐官网 工商管理系 副教授
2010.01-2012.08 永乐高国际娱乐官网 工商管理系 讲师
2008.06-2009.06 澳大利亚昆士兰理工大学 访问学者
2005.09-2009.06 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院 管理科学与工程系 博士
2002.09-2005.06 华中科技大学 控制系 系统工程研究所 硕士
1996.09-2000.06 华中科技大学 控制系 工业自动化 学士


Lecturer in Department of Business and Administration, School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology

Tertiary Qualification
09/2005-06/2009 Doctor of Philosophy
Management Science and Engineering, Antai College of Management and Economics, Shanghai Jiaotong University

06/2008-06/2009 Visiting Scholar in Queensland University of Technology

09/2002 – 06/2005 Master of System Engineering
Institute of System Engineering, Department of Control, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

09/1996 – 06/2000 Bachelor of Automation Control
Department of Control, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Research Interests
Mind-Brain Science, Brain-Computer Interface, Mindful Leadership, Mindfulness
1、2011-2013 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目《R&D团队关系网络最优结构识别及构建策略研究》(项目批准号:71001040);
2、2010-2011 主持上海哲学社会科学规划青年课题《网络群体事件发展动因及演化机制研究》(项目批准号:2010ESH002);
3、2009-至今 参与国家自然科学基金资助项目《非常规突发事件动态应急群决策网络理论与方法:面向多网耦合的情景-权变范式》 (项目批准号:90924004);
4、2007-2009 参与国家自然科学基金资助项目,《基于复杂网络的信息与通信产业新产品扩散建模与干预策略研究》(编号:70671070)

1、2008 上海高清数字科技产业有限公司,《利用虚拟社区进行新产品扩散的战略研究》
2、2007 上海科士达-华阳汽车电子有限公司,《科士达员工知识网络、关系网络及其与员工绩效关系的研究》
3、2006 龙工叉车(上海)有限公司,《关系管理与关键员工组织忠诚度研究》

Research related grants
2006-2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China , “The research on the ICT new products diffusion model and intervention strategy based on complex network theory”, Ref. No. 70671070.
2008 Shanghai high-definition digital industry Co., Ltd. “The new product diffusion strategy in the virtual social networks”.
2007 Shanghai KOSTAL-Huayang Automotive Electric Co. Ltd (a Sino-German joint venture company),“The research on KOSTAL interpersonal knowledge network and interpersonal relationship network and their associations with employee’s performance”.
2006 LonKing Forklift (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., “relationship management and key employees’organizational commitment”.
[1]Larger or Broader: Performance Implications of Size and Diversity of the Knowledge Worker’s Egocentric Network, Management and Organization Review,2013,9(1): 139-165. indexed by SSCI,2013 IF=3.3,官网访问地址:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/more.2013.9.issue-1/issuetoc
[2] Communication and Organizational Social Network: a Simulation Model, Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory (SSCI, SCI, 2012 IF=0.424), accepted in July, 2012.
[3]陈亮,曹嘉霖,陈忠. 网民浏览帖子的影响因素及其心理感知过程研究. 情报杂志. 2012, (3):29-35.
[4] 陈亮. 网络群体事件特征的实证研究. 情报杂志, 已录用。
[5] 陈亮,陈忠,韩丽川,郭浩,朱音. 基于SNA方法的企业员工知识存量测量及应用研究. 管理工程学报, 2009, 23(4): 49-53。
[6] 陈亮,武邦涛,陈忠. 组织沟通模式对企业员工关系网络结构影响的研究. 系统管理学报 (原《系统工程理论方法应用》),2010, (1):37-44 。
[7] 陈亮,陈忠,李海刚,赵正龙. 基于复杂网络的企业员工关系网络演化研究。 上海交通大学学报 自然科学版,2009, 43(9):1388-1393。(EI收录)
[8] 陈亮,陈忠,韩丽川,郭浩,朱音. 知识型员工知识积累影响因素的实证研究。情报科学,2008, 26(9):1357-1362。
[9] 陈亮,陈忠,韩丽川,郭浩,朱音. 从员工知识网络的角度研究知识型员工的细分。 情报科学,2008, 26(2): 214-217。
[10] Chen, L., Li, H., Chen, Z., Li, L., He, D. A firm-growing model and the study of communication patterns' effect on the structure of firm's social network. The First International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications, 2009,part II, LNICST 5, 1374-1386. (EI, DBLP, ProQuest, ISI Proceedings收录).
[11] Chen, L., Wiewiora, A., Gable, G., Trigunarsyah, B. The Interrelations Among the Project Team's Conduit Networks, Knowledge Network and its Performance. International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences EMS 2009, 1446-1450. (EI, ISTP收录)。
[12] Chen, L., Wiewiora, A., Gable, G., Trigunarsyah, B.Project team's internal and external social networks and their influence on project performance. 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management. 2009, 957-963.
[13] Wiewiora, A.,Trigunarsyah, B., Murphy, G., Gable, G., Chen, L. The Impact of Unique Characteristics of Projects and Project-Based Organizations on Knowledge Transfer. 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2009, 888-896。
[14] Liang Chen. More or Broader: the optimal configuration of employee's social network. Paper accepted and will be presented in the 2010 IACMR conference, Shanghai, June 16-20, 2010.
[15] Wiewiora, A.,Chen, L., Trigunarsyah, B. Inter- and Intra- Project Knowledge Transfer - Analysis of Knowledge Transfer Techniques . Paper accepted and will be presented in the PMI Research and Education Conference 2010, Washington D.C., USA, July 11-14, 2010
[16]基于员工知识网络视角的企业关键员工研究. 收录于《中国社会网络与社会资本研究报告 2007-2008》, 经济管理出版社,2008.
工作论文(working paper):
2012年 华东理工大学结对子一等奖


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