闫宏斌 教授
性       别 Office Hour
职       务 教师 时       间   周五14:00-16:00
所属部门 管理科学与工程系 地       点   1109
学科领域 管理科学与工程
电子邮箱 hbyan(ATMark)ecust.edu.cn


—2006.10-2009.09 Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) 知识科学 博士
—2003.07-2006.01 大连理工大学 管理科学与工程 硕士
—1999.09-2003.07 大连理工大学 信息管理与信息系统 学士


—2018.09-至今 华东理工大学 永乐高国际娱乐官网 教授(博导)
—2012.09-2018.08 华东理工大学 永乐高国际娱乐官网 副教授
—2010.12-2012.08 华东理工大学 永乐高国际娱乐官网 讲师


—2018.01-2018.02 JAIST 访问学者
—2017.08-2017.08 香港科技大学 访问学者
—2015.11-2015.12 JAIST 访问学者
—2013.11-2013.12 立陶宛 Mykolas Romeris University 访问学者
—2012.12-2012.12 JAIST 访问学者
—2011.07-2011.08 JAIST 访问学者
—2009.10-2011.03 JAIST 博士后
  1. —不确定性条件下基于消费者需求的技术重组创新:设计思维视角,国家自然科学基金—面上项目,#72271092,2023.01-2026.12,主持人。
  2. —中宣部“四个一批”青年英才—自主选题项目,2020,主持人。
  3. —产品在线评论驱动的不确定性动态感性工程研究,国家自然科学基金—面上项目,#71871093,2019.01-2022.12,主持人。
  4. —基于质量管理的不确定性双向感性工学,国家自然科学基金—面上项目,#71471063,2015.01-2018.12,主持人。
  5. —基于模糊认知图的新能源汽车及其配套设施的共生演化研究,上海市教育委员会科研创新项目—重点项目,#14ZS060,2014.01-2016.12,主持人。
  6. —基于KANO模型的顾客感性满意及其决策支持研究,上海市浦江人才计划项目,#12PJC024,2012.10-2014.09,主持人。
  7. —基于词语计算的感性科学框架以及感性信息处理研究,国家自然科学基金—国际(地区)合作与交流项目,#71210107021,2012.09-2013.05,主持人。
  8. —基于词语计算的面向消费者的感性评价研究,国家自然科学基金—青年科学基金项目,#71101050,2012.01-2014.12,主持人。


  1. H.B. Yan* and M. Li (2020), “An uncertain Kansei Engineering methodology for behavioral service design,” IISE Transactions, ID: 1766727, DOI:10.1080/24725854.2020.1766727, accepted. [SCI]
  2. —H. Ren, W. Zhou*, M. Makowski, H.B. Yan, Y. Yu, and T. Ma (2019), " Incorporation of life cycle emissions and carbon price uncertainty into the supply chain network management of PVC production," Annals of Operations Research, In Press. [SCI]
  3. H.B. Yan*, X.S. Meng, T. Ma, and V.N. Huynh (2019), “An uncertain target-oriented QFD approach to service design based on service standardization with an application to bank window service”, IISE Transactions, 51 (11): 1167–1189. [SCI]
  4. —S. Chanyachatchawan, H.B. Yan, S. Sriboonchitta, and V.N. Huynh* (2017), “A linguistic representation based approach to modelling Kansei data and its application to consumer-oriented evaluation of traditional products,” Knowledge-Based Systems, 138: 124–133. [SCI]
  5. H.B. Yan*, T. Ma, S. Sriboonchitta, and V.N. Huynh (2017), “A stochastic dominance based approach to consumer-oriented Kansei evaluation with multiple priorities,” Annals of Operations Research, 256 (2): 329–357. [SCI]
  6. H.B. Yan, X. Zhang, and Y. Li* (2017), “Linguistic multi-attribute decision making with multiple priorities,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 109:15–27. [SCI]
  7. H.B. Yan*, T. Ma, and V.N. Huynh (2017), “On qualitative multi-attribute group decision making and its consensus measure: A probability based perspective,” Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 70: 94–117. [SSCI]
  8. H.B. Yan* and T. Ma (2015), “A fuzzy group decision making approach to new product concept screening at the fuzzy front end,” International Journal of Production Research, 53 (13): 4021–4049. [SCI]
  9. H.B. Yan* and T. Ma (2015), “A group decision-making approach to uncertain quality function deployment based on fuzzy preference relation and fuzzy majority,” European Journal of Operational Research, 241 (3): 815-829. [SCI]
  10. H.B. Yan*, T. Ma, and V.N. Huynh (2014), "Coping with group behaviors in uncertain quality function deployment," Decision Sciences, 45 (6): 1025–1052. [SSCI]
  11. H.B. Yan*, T. Ma, and Y.S. Li (2013), "A novel fuzzy linguistic model for prioritising engineering design requirements in quality function deployment under uncertainties," International Journal of Production Research, 51(21): 5336-5355. [SCI]
  12. H.B. Yan*, V.N. Huynh, T. Ma, and Y. Nakamori (2013), "Non-additive multi-attribute fuzzy target-oriented decision analysis," Information Sciences, 240: 21-44. [SCI]
  13. H.B. Yan*, V.N. Huynh, and Y. Nakamori (2012), "A group nonadditive multiattribute consumer-oriented Kansei evaluation model with an application to traditional crafts," Annals of Operations Research, 195(1): 325-354. [SCI]
  14. H.B. Yan*, V.N. Huynh, and Y. Nakamori (2011), "A probabilistic model for linguistic multi-expert decision making involving semantic overlapping," Expert Systems with Applications, 38(7): 8901-8912. [SCI]
  15. H.B. Yan*, V.N. Huynh, Y. Nakamori, and T. Murai (2011), "On prioritized weighted aggregation in multi-criteria decision making," Expert Systems with Applications, 38(1): 812-823. [SCI]
  16. —V.N. Huynh, H.B. Yan, and Y. Nakamori (2010), "A target-based decision-making approach to consumer-oriented evaluation model for Japanese traditional crafts," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 57(4): 575-588. [SSCI&SCI]
  17. H.B. Yan*, V.N. Huynh, T. Murai, and Y. Nakamori (2008), "Kansei evaluation based on prioritized multi-attribute fuzzy target-oriented decision analysis," Information Sciences, 178(21): 4080-4093. [SCI]
—《Annals of Operations Research》IUKM 2018特刊客座编辑


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