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2012-2017 美国俄亥俄州立大学,经济学博士
2007-2011 中国人民大学,金融工程学士
“关系网络与科研生产率溢出:基于内生空间自回归模型的证据”,国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目) ,主持,2019.1-2021.12 “创新在合作网络上的扩散——基于文本分析的证据", 上海市浦江人才项目, 主持,2019.1-2022.12
1. "Testing Endogeneity of Spatial and Social Networks", Wei Cheng, Lung-fei Lee, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2017. 2. "Federal Funding of Doctoral Recipients: What can be learned from linked data", Wan Ying Chang, Wei Cheng, Julia Lane, Bruce Weinberg, Research Policy, 2019. 3. "Productivity Spillovers in Two Overlapping Networks", Wei Cheng, Griffin Weber, Spatial Economic Analysis, 2021. 4. "Consistent EM Algorithm for a Spatial Autoregressive Probit Model", Wei Cheng, Journal of Spatial Econometrics, 2022. 5. "Productivity Spillovers in Endogenous Coauthor Networks", Wei Cheng, Empirical Economics, 2022. 6. “Marginalized and Overlooked? Minoritized Groups and the Adoption of New Scientific Ideas.”, Wei Cheng, Bruce Weinberg, Journal of Labor Economics, Forthcoming. 中文论文: 1. 成为,王碧峰,何青,杨晓光,“基于风险-收益模型的外汇储备币种结构的多因素分析”,《管理评论》,2013年第2期,19-28 2. 郑志刚,成为,许荣,“对上市与企业绩效改善关系的再检验——基于我国制造业配对样本的证据”,《金融研究》,2014年第9期,143-157
(2)研究生的《高级计量经济学》课程获得华东理工大学2021-2022学年研究生课程优秀任课教师三等奖。 (3)永乐高国际娱乐官网2023帆鹰优秀教师奖
审稿:Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Economics of Education Review