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留学生研究生:消费者行为学 博士生:实验设计与方差分析
西澳大学永乐高国际娱乐官网,市场营销,博士 香港中文大学,可持续旅游管理,硕士 澳门科技大学,国际旅游管理,学士
国家自然科学基金 -游客旅游广告解读对目的地品牌价值观感知与评估的影响. 2022-2024. 项目负责人
上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题 2021-2023. 项目负责人 浦江人才计划 2020-2022. 项目负责人 中央高校探索研究基金 2019-2021. 项目负责人
1. Ye, S., Bardi A., Sneddon, J. N., Lenvotin L., Soutar, G. N. & Lee, J. A.*, More than Meets the Eye: Hidden Cues in Perceptions of Product Category Values. European Journal of Marketing (ABS/AJG: 3, ABDC-A*). (forthcoming)
2. Ye, S., Sneddon, J. N., & Lee, J. A*. (2023). How does the theoretical structure of values inform perceptions of the values of others?. Personality and Individual Differences, 204, 112067. (ABS/AJG: 3, ABDC-A) 3. Sneddon, J., Ye, S*., & Lee, J. A. (2022). The effect of similarity between owner’s values and their perceptions of their pet’s values on life satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1029883. (JCR Q1) 4. Septianto, F., Paramita, W., & Ye, S*. (2021). What’s in a (First) Name? Personized Advertising Messages Enhance Consumer Perceived Ethicality. Journal of Advertising, 1-14. (JCR Q1, ABS 3) 5. Septianto, F., Ye, S*., G Northey., (2021), The Effectiveness of Advertising Images in Promoting Experiential Offerings: An Emotional Response Approach. Journal of Business Research. 122, 344-352. (JCR Q1, ABS 3) 6. Ye, S*., Lee, J., Sneddon, J.N., & Soutar, G. N. (2020), Personifying destinations: A personal values approach. Journal of Travel Research, 59(7), 1168-1185. (Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence Award Winners for the best empirical research article published in JTR in 2020)(JCR Q1, ABS 4) 7. Ye, S., Soutar*, G. N., Sneddon, J.N., & Lee, J. A. (2017), Personal values and the theory of planned behaviour: A study of values and holiday trade-offs in young adults. Tourism Management, 62, 107-109. (JCR Q1, ABS 4) 8. Lee*, J., Ye, S., Sneddon, J. N., Collins, P. R., & Daniel, E. (2017). Does the intra-individual structure of values exist in young children? Personality and Individual Differences, 110, 125-130. (JCR Q2, ABS 3) 著作 : 1. 李玺,叶升,《企业活动策划-理论、方法与案例》,清华大学出版社 (2014).
University of Western Australia Business School Best Student Paper Award for 2020-21
Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence Award Winners for the best empirical research article published in JTR in 2020 (JCR Q1, ABS 4) Scholarship for International Research Fees China (IRFSC) (2014-2017) Top-Up Scholarship for China SIRF scholarships (2014-2017) Ad Hoc Top Up Scholarship (2014-2017)
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 期刊匿名审稿人
Tourism Management 期刊匿名审稿人 Frontiers in Psychology (Personality and Social Psychology 系列领域 编委会成员) |