蒋竺均 副教授
性       别
职       务
所属部门 经济学系
学科领域 能源经济、宏观经济、环境经济
电子邮箱 jiang.zhujun@ecust.edu.cn
2001/9 - 2005/6,西南财经大学,金融学,学士, 2005/9 - 2007/6,厦门大学,金融学,硕士, 2007/9 - 2011/6,厦门大学,能源经济,博士, 2011/6 – 2019/2,上海财经大学, 财经研究所,讲师 2019/3 –至今,华东理工大学,永乐高国际娱乐官网,副教授
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:我国成品油价格机制改革的影响研究——基于补贴和税收的角度;项目编号:71503155;主持。 [2] 教育部人文社会科学一般基金项目:低碳经济下我国能源税收机制的再设计:影响机理和路径选择;项目编号:20YJA790036;主持。 [3] 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目:政府定价下的中国能源补贴改革和机制设计;项目编号:12YJC790081;主持。 [4] 上海市社科规划青年项目:我国燃油定价机制的影响研究——基于价格补贴的视角;项目编号:2015EJL002;主持。 [5] 上海市“晨光计划”:低碳经济视角下的中国化石能源补贴研究;项目编号:12CG45;主持。 [6] 上海财经大学“数理经济学”教育部重点实验室项目:基于偏向型技术进步设定的中国能源-环境-贸易动态一般均衡模型研究;项目编号:201301KF01;主持。 [7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“资源供给侧的‘环境诅咒’效应:资源产业依赖对中国区域环境绩效的影响机制;项目编号:71773075;参与。 [8] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:中国低碳技术投资的优化控制:驱动因素、运行机制和控制系统;项目编号:71403147;参与。 [9] 世界自然基金会:中国能源补贴改革和减少石化能源补贴研究;项目编号:10002392;参与。 [10] 美国能源基金会:优化电源布局和基础设施建设配套;项目编号:G-1506-23315/22541;参与。
[1] Wang,R., Hou,J., Jiang, Z.J.,* Environmental policies with financing constraints in China. Energy Economics, 2021, 94: 1-12. [2] Jiang, Z.J.,* Lyu, P.J., Yang, l.Y., Zhou, W.Q., Green innovation transformation, economic sustainability and energy consumption during China’s new normal stage, Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 273: 1-11. [3] Deng,C.X., Jiang, Z.J.,* Sun,C.W., * Estimating the efficiency and impacts of petroleum product pricing reforms in China, Sustainability. 2018,10, 1080. [4] Jiang, Z.J., Ou, Y.X.L.,* Analyzing the distributional effects of fuel taxation in China. Energy Efficiency. 2017,10:1235-1251. [5] Wang, R., Jiang, Z.J.,* Energy consumption in China's rural areas: a study based on the village energy survey. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017, 143: 452-461. [6] Zhang,X., Zhao,X.R., Jiang,Z.J., Shao,S.,* How to achieve the 2030 CO2 emission-reduction targets for China’s industrial sector: retrospective decomposition and prospective trajectories. Global Environment Change-human and Policy Dimensions, 2017, 44: 83-97. [7] Yao,X., Guo,C.W., Shao,S., Jiang, Z.J.,* Total-factor CO2 emission performance of China’s provincial industrial sector: A meta-frontier non-radial Malmquist index approach. Applied Energy, 2016, 184: 1142-1153. [8] Li, K., Jiang, Z.J.,* The impacts of removing energy subsidies on economy-wide rebound effects in China: An input-output analysis. Energy Policy, 2016, 98: 62-72. [9] Jiang, Z.J.,* Ou, Y.X.L., Huang, G.X., The distributional impacts of the removing energy subsidies in China. China Economic Review. 2015, 33: 111-122. [10] Jiang, Z.J. Lin, B.Q.,* The Perverse Fossil Fuel Subsidies in China. Energy, 2014, 70: 411-419. [11] Jiang, Z.J.,* Shao, S., Simulating the distributional effect of carbon tax on Chinese households : a case of Shanghai. Energy Policy, 2014, 73: 269-277. [12] Jiang, Z.J.,* Tan, J.J., How the removal of energy subsidy affects general price in China: A study based on input–output model, Energy Policy, 2013, 63: 599-606. [13] Jiang, Z.J., Lin, B.Q.,* China’s energy demand and its characteristics in the industrialization and urbanization process: a reply, Energy Policy, 2013, 60: 583-585. [14] Jiang, Z.J. Lin, B.Q.,* China’s energy demand and its characteristics in the industrialization and urbanization process. Energy Policy, 2012, 49: 608-615. [15] Lin, B.Q.,* Jiang, Z.J. Designation and influence of household increasing block electricity pricing in China. Energy Policy, 2012, 42: 164-173. [16] Lin, B.Q.,* Jiang, Z.J., Zhang, P. Allocation of sulphur dioxide allowance-an analysis based on a survey of power plants in Fujian province in China. Energy, 2011, 36: 3120-3129. [17] Lin, B.Q.,* Jiang, Z.J. Estimates of energy subsidies in China and impact of energy subsidy reform. Energy Economics, 2011, 33: 273-283. [18] 蒋竺均、邵帅,取消化石能源补贴对我国居民收入分配的影响——基于投入产出价格模型的模拟分析,财经研究,2013年第8期,17-26. [19] 姚昕, 蒋竺均, 刘江华. 改革化石能源补贴可以支持清洁能源发展,金融研究, 2011年第3期,184-198. [20] 林伯强, 蒋竺均. 中国二氧化碳的环境库兹涅茨曲线预测及影响因素分析,管理世界,2009年第9期, 27-36. [21] 林伯强, 蒋竺均, 林静. 有目标的电价补贴有助于能源公平和效率, 金融研究, 2009年第11期,1-18.
Energy Policy,Journal of Cleaner Production,Energy Economics等期刊匿名审稿人


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