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创新管理(本科生) 战略管理(全英文)(研究生) 技术创新与战略(研究生)
2015.09-2020.09 清华大学经济管理学院创新创业与战略系 管理学博士 2018.08-2019.09 MIT Sloan管理学院 国家留学基金委公派联合培养博士生 2012.09-2015.07 中国科学院大学经济管理学院 管理学硕士 2012.09-2014.07 丹麦奥尔堡大学 经济学硕士 2008.09-2012.07 吉林大学管理学院 管理学学士 工作经历 2021.01 - 至今,永乐高国际娱乐官网,讲师
国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目 前沿科学家科研成果转化机制研究:基于知识属性与地位视角 2022.01-2024.12 项目负责人
上海市浦江人才计划 顶尖科学家研究成果的专利化与商业化:制度研究视角 2021.10-2024.09 项目负责人
(*: 通讯作者, # 共同一作)) 1. Shumin Qiu, Claudia Steinwender, and Pierre Azoulay. Who Stands on the Shoulders of Chinese (Scientific) Giants? Evidence from Chemistry. Research Policy, 2024. (FT50, ABS4* ) 2. 邱姝敏; 高雨辰; 柳卸林; 薛澜 ; 外部企业股东与学术衍生企业的技术市场化:基于制度逻辑视角, 管理世界, 2023, 39(12): 185-200 (被“人大复印报刊资料”全文转载) 3. Shumin Qiu, Xielin Liu, & Taishan Gao. (2017). Do emerging countries prefer local knowledge or distant knowledge? Spillover effect of university collaborations on local firms. Research Policy, 46(7), 1299-1311. (FT50, ABS4* ) 4. Pan, Xin, Xuanjin Chen, and Shumin Qiu*. Pushing boundaries or overstepping? Exploring the paradoxical impact of radical innovation on government subsidies in Chinese SMEs. Technovation 132 (2024): 102988. (ABS3) 5. Dong, Caiting, Xielin Liu, Fangcheng Tang, and Shumin Qiu*. How upstream innovativeness of ecosystems affects firms' innovation: The contingent role of absorptive capacity and upstream dependence. Technovation 124 (2023): 102735. (ABS3) 6. Pan, Xin, Xuanjin Chen, and Shumin Qiu*#. Sink or Swim in the R&D Pool: Unravelling the U-Shaped Relationship of Peer Density and Streamlining. R&D Management (2024) (forthcoming). (ABS3) 7. Pan, Xin, Xuanjin Chen, and Shumin Qiu*. The Janus-faced family SMEs: family management and digitalization. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2023). (ABS3) 8. Si Zhang, Delin Yang, Shumin Qiu, Xiang Bao, & JiZhen Li. (2018). Open innovation and firm performance: Evidence from the Chinese mechanical manufacturing industry. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 76-86. (JCR Q2) 9. 邱姝敏, 柳卸林, & 高太山. (2015). 是本地还是国际的高校科研合作对企业创新有溢出作用?. 科学学与科学技术管理(11), 24-33. (CSSCI) 10. 陈健, 柳卸林, 邱姝敏, & 高雨辰. (2017). 海归创业的外来者劣势和知识资本的调节作用. 科学学研究(09), 70-80. (CSSCI) 11. 徐晶钰, 柳卸林, & 邱姝敏. (2016). 中美ICT企业知识来源的二元性对创新绩效的影响研究. 管理学报, 13(9), 1357-1366. (CSSCI) 12. Jiang, H., Zhao, S., Qiu, S., & Chen, Y. (2012). Strategy for technology standardization based on the theory of entropy. Information Technology & Management, 13(4), 311-320.(SSCI) NBER工作论文 1. Qiu, Shumin, Claudia Steinwender, and Pierre Azoulay. Paper Tiger? Chinese Science and Home Bias in Citations. No. w32468. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024. (Journal of International Economics, ABS4, 条件接收) 学术会议 1. Shumin, Qiu, and Guanchun Liu. "Who is Swimming Naked When the Tide Goes Out? Governmental Pressures and Patent Inflation in China." In Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2023, no. 1, p. 15175. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management, 2023. 2. Shumin Qiu, Claudia Steinwender, and Pierre Azoulay (2020). Who builds on the shoulder of Chinese giant scientists? , NBER Productivity Workshop (2020), Online. 3. Shumin Qiu (2018). Status spillover and knowledge transfer: Do leading scientists in emerging countries contribute to knowledge local diffusion? Academy of Management Proceedings (division paper), 2018 08, Chicago. 4. Shumin Qiu, Zhenzhen Xie, & Delin Yang (2017). Partnering across networks and firm innovation: When do founding members (in)activate their ties? Academy of Management Proceedings (division paper), 2017 08, Atlanta. 5. Shumin Qiu, Delin Yang (2016). When can heterogeneity be made better used: founding team composition and innovation performance. SMS (paper session),2016 12,Hong Kong.
IACMR China Doctoral-Research Publication Awards 宏观领域最佳论文
清华大学 优秀博士论文 中国技术经济学会 博士生优秀论文奖 国家奖学金 小林实经济奖学金
Science, Research Policy,Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 管理评论,科学学与科学技术管理等期刊审稿人